Well, not much new to report. Got the screens in so we can open some windows, and am hoping to clean up the garage soon. Perhaps I will get some more lifting equipment and actually work out for a change. God knows I could use it. I built a kennel area for the dogs, so I can reclaim the backyard (BBQ--OH YEAH!), then I need to put down lye and grass seed so maybe we'll have a lawn this century. Took the lawn mower apart so I can get new blades and do some maintenance. I should be able to install the nursery line from the sound system at Faith Community (I have had the pieces for about two months now, but I have to crawl under the church to run the 100 feet of line.....).That's all for now. I just finished seven straight, and am looking forward to the next four off. Tomorrow looks like rain, but the other three should be sweet. Thanks for stopping by! More to come!
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