I am half seriously considering getting some guinea hens. I know. CRAZY right? Wrong. These animals, a little smaller than chickens, are excellent at keeping pests out of gardens, and are a great way to control the nasty little TICKS in the backyard. I know, guinea hens right? They (once acclimated) stay in the yard, and are quite happy to be left alone. They don't eat much feed, as they spend their time eating bugs and weed seeds (got plenty of those....)
Oh yeah, and-like myself and big red- they like to look at themselves in the mirror! Really! They are pretty birds (much like myself and big red) and they know it too!check out some Guinea hen info:
There are many more resources with information on guinea hens available too!
Down with the ticks! Up with the Guinea!
Yeah, THat's the ticket, hens from guinea..... THat would be something different for the boys, I bet they'd get a kick out of it... Can you eat the hens when you've had enough? If not, scrap the idea, only go for it if it will also provide a meal for your family too! mmmmm BBQ Guinea hens and Guiness beer, the perfect combination.....
Yes you can eat them! Some places grow them for people to hunt like pheasant. They usually are about three pounds each when ready to eat!
Buffallo Guinea wings anyone???
Two teensy weensy leetle concerns with this plan: Midas. Ariel.
Birds and labradors-- not a good mix. Just ask my dad about how Max goes ape in the chicken houses!
Midas and ariel may not be a problem for long......
'nuff said on that........
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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