How many???
So, how many of YOU are there in the US? Aparetly there are 3 (THREE) of me. There is only 1 (ONE!!!!!) of the wife (I already told her there was only one.......)...To find this information you can go to . Sadly enough I saw this on the eleven o'clock news. Although it's not really news worthy, it is pretty neat.
I became more rare when I married your brother. There were 28 of me, but now only two.
Incidentally, there may be three of you, but only two Jonathans. Now I will go say a little prayer of thanksgiving...
I went from 1 of 1 to 1 of 125...interesting...
THer is only one of me, all others will be terminated........
in the end there can be only one....
I don't know if I an putting my eternal sould in peril, but I looked up Jesus Christ.
Six of them in the US alone. Huh.
wolske looked at it and played with it. It's based on statistics of how prevalent the first and last names are. Statistically, our daughter doesn't exist.
yeah it's just statistics. Alot of people I work with don't exist either... For some reason the statistics don't like laquesha's or any of the other 'made up' new names. Although I would think there would be SOME J's...
I guess there's a man law about updating your blog??? seems you are a little behind!
re: bassplayerswife/JC
ha ha haaa haaaa ha. that's hysterical.
I wouldn't hold it against you if I was The Almighty -- I think he appreciates The Funny. Funny is next to Cleanliness, which is next to Godliness, as I recall.
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