Found more CD's!!!!!

Cleaning out the garage I came accross some of the CD's I knew had to be out there! Among the found were: Pride and Glory (wew), Jar of Flies, More Ozzy, Moxy Fruvous, Lenny Krviz, Beastie Boys (new one), more Skynyrd, Creed and some of the wife's stuff too!!! There are still a few that are MIA, such as the best of Twisted Sister and others......
Did you come across so congas? If so, I'll prolly take them off your hands Labor Day weekend...
Hey man, you need to get me a copy of the Pride and Glory, that's a great album.... And yah, if the Congas are in your garage we may be taking them... Kelly wants to learn how to play them!!! Cool, eh!! We're having friends over on Saturday and celebrating Canada Day!!!
Congas haven't been around for quite some time... I think when we moved two or three times ago...... Needed Fiberglass work, remember?
Oh.... guess we''ll have to look into a new set... oh darn..... Kelly can deal with new ones... and we can get a set that is 'pretty'... I'm sure that will be one of the criteria... actually, I wouldn't mind a set that is pleasing to the eye (notice how guys use different terms than girls...) Just don't throw out the bass cab, if anything, sell it and I'll give you 30%.... no really, I'd like to ship that sucker some day.................
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