Man law be damned....

OK. I know I will have to hear it. Man law be damned!
Welcome to the family please our newest addition, Cookie.
And no, she is not, nor ever will be larger than a regulation football. the one in the photo is a little smaller than that...
Cookie is almost one year old already, so she's about as big as she's going to get. She's part sheltie and part pekinese. That either makes her a sheltenese or a peketie.
Anyway, just a quick post to introduce Cookie to the rest of the world. Talk to you later!
I tried to edit this post... Apparently Cookie is not part pomeranian, she's part pekenese... Well that shoots the whole blonde pom-shel joke all to shit....
uhhh, mister Miller Light fan, I think you are in definite violation of Man-law... and it's double because the name, Cookie?? next thing we know you'll be wearing womens jeans and jewelry...
Paging man-law enforcement, Violation in progress!!
Don't you like cookies? Everybody likes cookies!
and, wait, I'm NOT supposed to wear womens jeans OR jewelry?!?!
By the way, didn't you read the post? I believe it clearly states MAN LAW BE DAMNED!!!
i know, you proclaimed your breakage of manlaw in th epost, but i really think the aauthorities should be notified.
I love cookies.... mmmmmm cookies........
Especially chocolate chip, or chocolate CHUNK cookies.
Hungry now.......
going to the store......
My side hurts from laughing at Cookie's warning to Uncle Jon. I almost wet my pants!!!
Check out Cookies comments at:
then check out Tele's warnings at:
Hilarity abounds!
Damn, the links didn't work...
Try these..
Still not working...
The links work ok. You just have to copy and paste. When copying, highlight down through the next line.
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