well hello there!

I got a voice message the other day. An old friend (old lead guitar player) called out of the blue. He is getting married in June, and would like to know if I would like to go. I would love to go, but first I need to check my work schedule. It's pretty nice that he would invite me to his wedding. I have only talked with him twice since he moved back here from Arizona. Working the second shift makes it hard to have a real life anyways. I have yet to get ahold of him to find out the date and other information, but with a little more phone tagging I'm sure I'll get him.
Anyways, not much new here. STILL fixing the lawn-mower, put up a swing-set for the kids, still need to concrete it in the ground.( didn't you hate swinging on one that wasn't in cement.... go too far and it starts tipping, or rocking on it's front or rear legs!!!!! Freaky man....) Dogs keep getting out of the much fortified kennel I built. Got a new grill, as the old one was burnt up (melted on one side). Still need to lye and seed the yard. Work is work. Had to get a nephew out of our ditch the other day. That's what you get for taking an isuzu trooper off the road. It was quite comical. Should have taken pictures. didn't. too bad. Rambling now, must go to bed. Talk later......
You can get YEARS of mileage out of the whole pulling-you-out-of-the-ditch story.
I fell off the back of my nephew's four wheeler seven years ago, and he STILL teases me about it!
See again, a camera was in dire need of its presence..... Like to see that one!
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