Friday, April 28, 2006

How do you view correctional officers?

I was watching the remake of "The Longest Yard" the other day. I must say, I laughed for a good part of the film. But one thing stuck in my mind. Why is that correctional officers are always portrayed in such a poor light? Even in the best of circumstances CO's are still the bad guys. In the Green Mile a CO is a good guy, as is the worst kind of bad guy. I have been involved in many many situations running from mild to wild, and have never witnessed such brutality, hate and degredation.

Nobody grows up wanting to be a correctional officer. Police are more favorable. Most people find corrections as a means to an end, or simply a paycheck. Yet everyday CO's put themselves against ever increasingly evil people. A cop may need to subdue one or two criminals, for a short period of time, until they are processed and locked-up. However correctional officers usually stand, outnumbered 96- 1 on a tier, for at least eight hour shifts where overtime isn't already mandatory due to staffing shortages. Do you think the criminals, the convicts don't see that? They know more about our staffing problems then we do. At any time they can take the prison. Rest assured they will not keep it. But they know they can take it.

Assaults are increasing, not something Mary-anne Saars would like to announce, since she has changed the criteria for an assault on an officer to make it look like her and Gov. Ehrlichs beloved "project restart" (AKA project hug-a-thug) is actually working. At the same time shutting down legislation that would make the throwing/spraying/projecting of bodily fluids on an officer a felony. Again, why would we need this kind of legislation if "restart" was so effective. So the bill died in committee.

I go on too long, I know. But it's just a little slap in the face to always see hard working people, with morals and ethics, portrayed as brutal savage reckless children. I have yet to see a movie/TV show that gets it right. Granted in the past behavior may have reflected the possibility of such actions, it has not been that way for years and years. Ever seen HBO's 'OZ'? Or 'Prison Break'? They're not even close. If that is what Hollywood calls glamarization, who needs it? We already have a hard enough time hiring new people, and keeping new-hires. Staffing has never been so low. Thank God for a warden that understands the neccesity of staffing.

I'll stop now. have to get ready for work. Seven more days starts now! Joy!

ECI's Mission statement:
Mission:--The Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services protects the public, its employees, and detainees and offenders under its supervision.
Vision:--Dedicated to strengthening public safety in our communities, the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services will reduce criminal behavior and improve the quality of life for all Marylanders through its diverse programs, services, and community partnerships. The Department will continuously support its employees who will provide experienced, professional leadership in the criminal justice community and be nationally recognized for excellence.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Further Information Links
Health Literacy Month
Health Literacy Month
Rett Syndrome Awareness Month
Int. Rett Syndrome Association
World Blindness Awareness Month
American Academy of Ophthalmology.
National Lupus Awareness Month
Victorian Lupus Association
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Society Newfoundland & Labrador
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Health Canada
Celiac Awareness Month
Canadian Celiac Association
Eye Health Month
Canadian Assoc. Optometrists
National Lupus Awareness Month
Lupus Canada
National Brain Injury Awareness Month
Brain Injury Association of America
Psoriasis Awareness Month
Psoriasis Society Canada
Study of Infant Deaths Awareness Month
Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
United Kingdom
Breast Cancer Care
Lupus Awareness Month
United Kingdom
St. Thomas' Lupus Trust
Celiac Sprue Awareness Month
United States
Celiac Sprue Association
Healthy Lung Month
United States
American Lung Association
National Brain Injury Awareness Month
United States
Brain Injury Association of America
National Breast Cancer Month
United States
Nat. Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
United States
National Down Syndrome Society
National Liver Awareness Month
United States
American Liver Foundation
National Lupus Awareness Month
United States
Lupus Foundation Of America
National Orthodontic Health Month
United States
American Assoc. of Orthodontists
National Spina Bifida Awareness Month
United States
Spina Bifida Assoc. of America
October 2006 Health Awareness Weeks
Further Information Links
Mental Illness Awareness Week
United States
3rd - 9th
American Psychiatric Assoc.
Haemophillia Awareness Week
8th - 14th
Haemophilia Foundation
Foot Health Week
10th - 16th
Australasian Podiatry Council
Mental Health Awareness Week
New Zealand
10th - 16th
Mental Health Foundation NZ
BackCare Awareness Week
United Kingdom
11th - 17th
Hearing Aid Awareness Week
23rd - 29th
International Hearing Society
Respiratory Care Week
United States
24th - 30th
American Assoc. Respiratory Care
International Herpes Week
31st - 6th
International Herpes Alliance
October 2006 International & National Awareness Days
Further Information Links
Stroke UK Campaign Launch
United Kingdom
The Stroke Association
National Depression Screening Day
United States
Screening For Mental Health Inc.
World Mental Health Day
World Federation for Mental Health
World Site Day
Vision 2020
National Mammography Day
United States
American Cancer Society
World Food Day
World Food Day USA
World Osteoporosis Day
Int. Osteoporosis Foundation
International Stuttering Awareness Day
Stuttering Foundation Of America
Lung Health Day
United States
American Assoc. Respiratory Care
National Bandanna Day
Cancer Awareness Day
Canadian Cancer Society

Hey J, Australia has a 'bandana day'!
And I thought Herpes awareness was a 24/7 365 kind of thing.......
Raise your glass for 'liver awareness' month.....
I can see why there's a 'blindness awareness....'

Such ridiculousness. it's all so floccinaucinihilipilificatious. Now there's a day for you.. 'Floccinaucinihilipilification awareness day' T-Shirts available soon.....