Can't we all just get along?

Immigration Shmimmigration. I am going to stop worrying over the whole thing. I mean, it is in the hands of the US GOVERNMENT. Who better to tell what's good, and what's not, for me and my family!
We don't need graphic representations of our education here, and did I read the word hyperbole? Different is different. Agree to disagree. What one doesn't see, one doesn't know, and vice versa.
"come on people now. Smile on yer brother. Everybody get together. Try to love one another riiiiigggghhhttt noooowww." One more time then into cum-by-a.........
Creme eggs are here!

Thank the Lord, Cadbury Creme eggs are here once again! Here's a little histroy form the Cadbury website:

Cadbury Creme Egg was introduced by Cadbury brothers in the early 1920's and was first available in 1923, but the Creme Egg as we know it today was not made until 1971.
Here's my favorite part. I believe it's more of an "apply this to everyday life" kind of sentence:
Dip in the goo to unleash your naughty, playful side!
(actual line from the Cadbury website!!)
That's all I have to say today. Going to the store now for some creme eggs. Dip in the goo........
Immigrants bring crime, destroy heritage.....
This is interesting. Amidst the debates surrounding the U.S. policies on immigration the italian leader Berlusconi has this to say:
"We don't want Italy to become a multiethnic, multicultural country. We are proud of our traditions," Berlusconi said Monday on state-run radio.
Berlusconi's government has put in place a tough immigration policy, including legislation cracking down on illegal immigration. The 2002 law allows only immigrants with job contracts to obtain residency permit.
"We want to open (our borders) to foreigners who flee countries where their lives or liberties are at risk," said Berlusconi, adding those who come to Italy to work also are welcome. "We don't want to welcome all those who come here to bring about damage and danger to Italian citizens."
Interesting how some people can have it so right, and sum it up so well. I don't know anyone that wants to deny the same rights Americans have to people who come here looking for help. But the way illegals are going about getting that help is underhanded, and undermines the hard working tax-paying help-me-through-helping-everyone that america is too freely doling out. No one is saying shut down the borders, but do prosecute those breaking the law by sidestepping oh-so important legal pathways to immigration and eventually citizenship. Why would any of us work if a neighboring country was to allow us, through illegal means, to enter, and obtain work, then drivers licences, eventually giving us everything we need through their tax-payer supported welfare system. We wouldn't. We would bleed that country dry with a complete lack of regard for those who made the whole thing possible. Think about it. It is time to start taking this country back. Put a foot down and stop this thing that is already far too common place. If we, as a country, keep bending to this kind of parasitic entity how long will it be before we break? And who will help us with government programs when the government has given away its resources to those who gave nothing in return? Take it back.
Here I am
Well, I found my way to blogspot. What I may do here is still unknown, but the wife was suprised I didn't have one of these already. Seeing as almost everyone else in the family is already blogging their hearts out...
Stay tuned for new posts, rants, raves and other such hullabaloo...
New blogger..
Good day! First post, bare with me. If you are here you know who I am.