Poor man's light bar....

OK. so a nephew of ours really wants some KC lights for his Jeep. So the wife thought it would be funny if we MADE him one for his birthday....


So the four year old talked his mother into going to the beach tonight. Not like you had to fight me anyway..... The youngest had a complete BALL. He has never been to the ocean before! It was a little cool, and evening was upon us, but it was great! The wife did a great job driving on the beach (not that we ventured too too far...). Here are the pictures. If I could send the video I would include it also, but I haven't mastered that yet....
Got Assateague?

Hey everyone! How was mothers day? Yeah, I know. I made some breakfast for the wife: Pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon and those cinnamon buns with the orange icing on top.... Then an monday I took the youngest to assateague island to get the real gift - an offroad permit for the wife's vehicle. When she mentioned getting one for mothers day I thought - Cool! That just makes good sense! Now I can't wait to go offroading, taking the kids to the beach or just having fun in the sand! I have already loaded everything we may need: a shovel, tire pressure gage, tow strap and a wooden platform for the jack...... I'm ready!