Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Bathroom Reader...

I mentioned the "Uncle John's Slightly Irregular Bathroom Reader" in response to someone else's blog. Here are some interested (read: scary) things about the Bathroom Readers Institute.

These books are filled with valuable information. And some not-so valuable information, that's still fun to have. I have been through the "Slightly Irregular" twice now and need to purchase more, as there are MANY more BRI books available.

Even those who can't read (either lazy or disabled) can enjoy These books as some are being offered on CD. Yes CD. Six hours of fun facts in fact.

The guys at the BRI have been sharing their infinite knowledge since 1988. I have no idea how many books are available, but I know they are all probably great bathroom reading!

Gotta Go! (bathroom humor)

Monday, April 03, 2006

What seems to be the problem officer?

So, We have had run-ins with both the local sheriff's department, and the firemen of our area recently. Why is it they teach children how to dial 911 without teaching the extreme importance of NOT using it just to see if it works....
Just a few days ago as I was getting ready for work I noticed a sheriff's K-9 Ford Explorer (or expedition) pulling up my driveway. I met him at the door. The kids were playing in the kitchen. The deputy stated that they had recieved a hangup call from our house, and upon giving the usual call-back could here only muffled talking and yelling in the background. He didn't seem too concerned for the childrens welfare, as they were happily playing and certainly not abused when he got there. I explained that I have to cram a shower and a shave into a short period of time, and the kids, during that time, had gotten into the phones, and a black magic marker etc. The yelling they could here was me in the shower, telling my four year old to either take a message (like he knows what that is) or hang up. The deputy assured me that they definitely heard "I'm in the shower!!". I thanked the deputy and continued getting ready for work. Nothing like a visit from the po-po to get your adreneline jumping. Then it was off to work as usual.I think I recognized this particular deputy from another run-in, but that's a different story......

Then on the way to work yesterday the State police were running radar on the highway. I was rolling of course. To my delight the trooper, leaning relaxedly against the quarter panel of his cruiser, simply pointed at me with both hands (almost like they were six-shooters) and nodded his head as I cruised by. To this I can only hope that my plan has finally worked. I have been pulled over enough that they know my vehicle. Or they know me enough that they are saving my ticket for a slow month, as they know I will be by again, flying as usual. Either way it was pretty cool.


Sunday, April 02, 2006


Well, not much new to report. Got the screens in so we can open some windows, and am hoping to clean up the garage soon. Perhaps I will get some more lifting equipment and actually work out for a change. God knows I could use it. I built a kennel area for the dogs, so I can reclaim the backyard (BBQ--OH YEAH!), then I need to put down lye and grass seed so maybe we'll have a lawn this century. Took the lawn mower apart so I can get new blades and do some maintenance. I should be able to install the nursery line from the sound system at Faith Community (I have had the pieces for about two months now, but I have to crawl under the church to run the 100 feet of line.....).

That's all for now. I just finished seven straight, and am looking forward to the next four off. Tomorrow looks like rain, but the other three should be sweet. Thanks for stopping by! More to come!